The heart of Andalusian olive oil

Andalusia, with its rich heritage in olive oil production, is the privileged location for our olive groves.
Its fertile lands and Mediterranean climate provide the ideal environment for cultivation. This region, the cradle of our production, is synonymous with tradition, quality and authenticity in every drop of our oil.


Its olive groves, nurtured by centuries of tradition and meticulous care, have gained international prestige for their authentic flavour and superior quality.


Each bottle of Martín Berrocal tells a story that dates back to this iconic region, celebrating the essence of Andalusia in every drop.


The Mediterranean climate of Andalusia is an unrivalled ally, with its warm sun and fresh breeze caressing the olives, giving them a unique richness and flavour.


Location is more than just a point on the map; it is the soul of our brand and the guarantee of an oil that was born where tradition and quality intertwine to give rise to what Martín Berrocal is today.



The Andalusian olive oil sector is world-renowned for its diversity of flavours and varieties. Its importance lies in the careful production of this precious golden liquid, which covers everything from the cultivation procedures of the olive groves to the meticulous extraction of the oil.

The Hojiblanca variety is a fundamental pillar in the world of olive oil, distinguished by its unique character and singular attributes. Originally from the region of Andalusia, this variety is a treasure in production, as it provides an excellent liquid recognized for its balanced and nuanced flavor. Its silver leaves capture the intensity of the Andalusian sun, being a visual reflection of the quality that is experienced in every drop.

In a market where differentiation is key, our dedication to olive quality, especially through the Hojiblanca variety, gives our oil a distinctive character.


To obtain Andalusian olive oil, we use cold pressing, valued for its ability to preserve aromas, flavors and nutritional properties of olive oil.
By avoiding the use of high temperatures, the beneficial compounds present in olives, such as antioxidants and healthy fatty acids, are better preserved.
This results in a high-quality olive oil, with an authentic flavour and an exceptional sensory profile.

Una persona está cosechando aceitunas verdes y moradas en una canasta tejida de una rama de olivo, destinada a convertirse en el mejor aceite de oliva andaluz.


The best quality olives are carefully selected, ensuring that they are at their optimum point of ripeness and without defects to become the best Andalusian olive oil.

Una persona vierte un cubo de aceitunas verdes y moradas en un contenedor grande al aire libre, una reminiscencia de las ricas tradiciones asociadas con el aceite de oliva andaluz.


The harvested olives are cleaned of impurities, leaves and branches. They are then washed with water to remove any residue.

Una imagen en primer plano de un molinillo mecánico procesando aceitunas verdes y negras, con algunos restos triturados esparcidos por todas partes, revelando los inicios del auténtico aceite de oliva andaluz.


The cleaned olives are ground to obtain a consistent paste.
This process breaks down the cells of the olives and releases the oil contained within them.

Una aceituna verde prensada por un tornillo de banco de metal, de la que gotea aceite de oliva andaluz dorado.


The resulting paste is placed in a hydraulic press that exerts pressure to extract the oil.
It is important to note that no heat is applied during this process, which prevents alterations in the chemical composition and flavor of the oil.

Se vierte aceite sobre tres cucharas apiladas, con la cuchara superior sosteniendo una hoja y la cuchara del medio con aceitunas negras. El aceite de oliva andaluz cae en cascada hasta el fondo de la cuchara sobre un fondo negro.


After pressing, the oil is left to settle in tanks to allow natural decantation to occur, in which solids and impurities are separated from the oil. Depending on the type of oil chosen, it will or will not be subjected to a filtering process to remove particles.

Filas de grandes tanques de fermentación de acero inoxidable en una cervecería o instalación industrial, que recuerdan el meticuloso proceso utilizado en la producción de aceite de oliva andaluz.


Andalusian olive oil obtained by cold pressing is stored under controlled conditions to preserve its quality before being packaged.
Quality, durability and light protection make the can format the optimal choice.

Andalusian olive oil

Martín Berrocal’s Andalusian olive oil is also produced in Andalusia, a city with a long olive-growing tradition. Andalusian olive groves, benefiting from the same Mediterranean climate that characterises all of Andalusia, lend their own distinctive character to the oil. The combination of fertile soils and ancestral cultivation techniques guarantee a product that is synonymous with excellence. Every drop of our oil reflects the essence of Andalusia, making each can a unique and authentic experience that you can now buy online .